Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Automated Essay Scorer-Paper Topic

I love being an English teacher most of the time. The time where I really hate being an English teacher is when I have to grade 150 essays in less than a week. I think that the creation of the Automated Essay Scorer is a wonderful invention, but this is also without using it, researching it, or seeing how user friendly it really is.

I have chosen this as my topic becuase there are a lot of teachers in my building that are leary of an automated scorer, and it if will help our middle school students with thier 7th grade TAKS scores. FOr the few that I have looked out, there are a lot that focus more on writing traits, and less on the 1-4 scale score that TAKS uses. We just adopted new literature textbooks in our district, and one of the items that was brought up in supplementary materials.

While the thought is impressive, the question comes, does it work? I am hoping that at the end of this class and through my research, I will be able to see if this is an accurate for of assessment for my building.

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