Thursday, March 4, 2010

GeoTech 2010

First and foremost, WOW! I had so much fun today and learned so many things that I wasn't aware of before today. I am kind of sad that I won't be here Saturday with you guys! Melinda was with me today and we went to the same sessions, so I am looking forward to see what she posts about today as well. I went to two different sessions (only offered two today) one on intro to GIS and one on Literacy in the classroom.

Intro to GIS:
This is all about Maps! I loved it, even as an English teacher. There are a lot of cool free items that you can use and I will add those later, but wanted to let you know that as a history teacher, this is something you should definately think about. As an English teacher, I will use the maps to work through literature. There are also a lot of science themese that are talked about in literature that will be dealt with that students are not always sure of.

A lot of the information wasn't new to me, but allowed me to think of multimedia in a different format. Don't use technology to add more to your work schedule, but do something different with what you already do. I think what I learned that I want to do more about is a digital portfolio. I feel like this is the one thing that I have slacked about in my career. I am also thinking that I will be doing more for Wiki spaces in my classroom to prepare for next year with my students. We have new curriculum coming out next year and that leads to a lot of new items that I want to make available for my students.

Overall, a great day at GeoTech and looking forward to tomorrow!

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