Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Topic 4: Tech Skill: Word Processor

I believe that Word Processor is the lifesaver to technology. This is the application that I probably use the most. Mainly this comes from working on assignments that need to be done for classes, or for my own English students to learn how to write. While our district is slowly moving away from Microsoft Word and transitioning to Open Office, the aspects of Word Processing is all the same.

The main purpose of Word Processing is to write. By being able to use this I have an easier time creating documents for my students, and for my students to type their projects so that they are easier to grade.

Word processing has five main capacities: basic features, desktop publishing, language features, web features, and support features.

Basic features: These items include items such as saving in different formats, save for later use, copy and move text, etc. I feel that teachers mainly use these basic items in their daily use of word processors.

Desktop Publishing: This allows for teachers to make documents "pretty" and enjoyable for students to look at. By inserting graphics, color, shading, tables, figures, and change the appearance teachers are allowed to take a normal document and make it fit their style.

Language features: My students and myself love the feature of spell check and being able to check for grammar usage. There is also a way to change int he language that you are typing in so that one is able to write in a native language if needed.

Web features: I do not use this one often, even though it is available to me. I do insert URL's, but I have never created a web page.

Support features: I love the templates that are available and suggest them to my students on a normal basis because there is no need to recreate the wheel.

I love word processing and believe that we have come a long way from chiseling on tablets. I hope that we can continue to grow in our technology uses of word processing and take advantage of all of the features that it has to offer.

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